Gender department

About Us

Gender Department

The department works in alignment with its strategic objectives which are to reduce the frequency of GBV, and increase protection of women and children, to involve strategic partners and collaborate in national efforts to address VAC, GBV and abuse of women and children in Namibia, to engage communities, community leaders, particularly men and boys as allies to achieve Gender Equality, equity and contribute to community development and to ensure that the department is fully functional and able to conduct department activities.

The Gender Department at LifeLine/ChildLine Namibia implements projects with the overall goal to promote Gender Equality and address Harmful Gender Norms in a gender transformative approach. The Department’s goal is also to have an environment where men and boys in Namibia promote gender equality, and see themselves as change agents, advocates, partners and beneficiaries in the promotion of gender equality. The Gender department as well focuses on eliminating all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.

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Nature 1

On the 28 to 30 October 2024 LifeLine/ChildLine Namibia conducted Gender/GBV & Personal Growth workshop with Police Officers from the Karas region in Keetmanshoop at the Pastoral Centre.

Nature 2
LifeLine/ChildLine Namibia in collaboration with the British High Commission in Windhoek embarked upon initiatives aimed at building the capacity, empowering, and strengthening efforts, supporting law enforcement agencies (NAMPOL) and communities in the //Karas Regions, by providing psychosocial support training which enables police officers with the skills to provide empathetic support to GBV survivors and emphasized the importance of mental well-being of police officers, ultimately creating a more compassionate and resilient police force dedicated to the welfare and safety of all citizens..

MEN-toring Hope: Empowering Communities, Men and Boys to Prevent Suicide

Overview of Suicide in Namibia

Suicide is a global public health issue with devastating consequences, affecting individuals, families and communities.

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Figure 1 Engaging the Men/Boys on raising awareness on Suicide prevention in Aranos (Hardap region)

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Having a dialogue with Men/Boys on Suicide Prevention in Keetmanshoop (//Karas region)

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Raising awareness on Suicide Prevention with Men/Boys from Rehoboth (Hardap region)

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LifeLine/ChildLine Namibia in collaboration with LifeLine International, which organizations are dedicated to suicide prevention and crisis support. Their mission is to ensure that everyone has access to quality suicide prevention services worldwide. During the week of the 22-26 April 2024, the Counselling and Gender department embarked on a trip to the southern part of Namibia namely the! Karas & Hardap region to conduct mentoring and awareness workshop sessions with young men and boys through community dialogue in efforts to raise awareness, prevent suicide, reduce stigma, and promote health seeking behaviors.
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BFTW (Community Based Facilitators) TOT training on Positive Parenting Program

LifeLine/ChildLine Namibia in Collaboration with BFTW conducted the Positive Parenting TOT training for Community Based Facilitator on 09th to 12th September 2024 in Mariental, Hardap region. The ToT aimed at strengthening training skills of facilitators to equip the subject matter experts with skills, knowledge and attitudes to be more effective trainers in their respective communities. This project is being implemented in Khomas, Hardap and the Karas region respectively.

The objective of this project aims at strengthening knowledge of community members by equipping parent/caregivers of children (Infancy, toddlers, and children in early and late adolescents) to better their parenting skills for improved outcomes of their children in school and at home.

The project also aims to strengthen and empower communities to implement advocacy campaigns and actions to address the high levels of acceptance and tolerance of GBV and Child Abuse.

Training Session 1
Training Session 2
Training Session 3
Training Session 4

The BFTW Project's (Community Based Facilitators) received their certificates of attendance.


This project is funded and supported by Brot fur die Welt. The project is targeted at 6 communities in Hardap, //Kharas and Khomas Regions

The MenEngage Namibia is a network comprised of 16 different partners from Civil Society Organisations, Government Ministries and Development partners.

Linking Policy and implementation for gender equality in Malawi, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. This three-year project will ultimately contribute to an increase in gender equality and a reduction in GBV in Southern Africa.

The project aims at advocacy and dialogue around issues where gender inequality and imbalances have an impact on the lives of women and men.

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Training in collaboration with different projects

Latest News


22-24 November 2023

Hardap Regional Men Conference: theme “promoting positive masculinity.

10–20 Nov 2023

MenCare Training (Engaging men in children’s rights & positive parenting) in collaboration with City of Windhoek.

11-13 Dec 2023

MENCARE 50:50 COMMITMENTS (Linking and Learning) Workshop in collaboration with Sonke Gender Justice, through the GIZ funding.

12-14 March 2024

TRAINING FOR TRADITIONAL & RELIGIOUS LEADERS, on Gender, GBV, Child Protection & Marriage.

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